Thursday, January 15, 2009

Maladroit Public Servant of the Week/Decade

This is Rep. Henry Waxman (D, CA 30th District), patron saint of hall monitors, nagging wives, tattle tales, and whiny scolds everywhere. His rise to power, which is now exemplified in his chairmanship of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, is a depressing example of triumph of the bureaucratic warrior. For most of human history, a man like this would have been little more than Viking fodder. When Nietzsche laments the appearance of the last man, he was probably thinking of someone just like Hank here. Now, I'm not an advocate of barbarism, nor am I awaiting the coming the UberMensch who will transvaluate all values. But I am a big fan of a robust national character distinguished by a noble masculinity (and femininity for that matter). Mr. Waxy represents the polar opposite of this ideal. Pretty much any situation which should fall within the purview of personal responsibility and self-discipline, Waxman treats as territory for government (aka Waxman's) control. Smoking? The government will protect you and yours from Joe Camel. Abstinence only education? Are you crazy? If the government doesn't provide your children with condoms, banannas, and the Planned Parenthood 24 hour service desk number, they might get pregnant after only a few sexual encounters instead of dozens. Own any property with a potentially endangered species (let alone an actually endangered on)? Back of the line, bub. Furry things are cute and they come before you. Global warming? It's so obviously true that we're already dead, so stop talking before I mandate cremation and throw you in the kiln. In sum, Waxman is a liberal's liberal. He peddles the sort of soft fascism that hugs you to death like Lennie from Of Mice and Men, except that you're supposed to be sad when Lennie dies. He has a 0% conservative voting record, which is pretty impressive given that you'd figure an accidental Republican vote might slip in on occasion. Even his own party members seem afraid of him. All in all, a thoroughly maladroit public servant. And in order to keep this post from being too fair and/or intelligent, I submit the following scientific hypothesis as to Rep. Waxman's ancestral origination.

Likely parentage:

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